Saturday, July 2, 2011

China documentary directors say they enjoy freedom (AP)

Chinese director Zhou Hao attends a presentation ceremony of the Chinese Documentary Festival in Hong Kong Saturday, July 2, 2011. News of the arrests of prominent Chinese dissidents like Ai Weiwei and Liu Xiaobo has dominated headlines and painted a picture of harsh oppression and censorship. But Zhou and another independent Chinese documentary maker attending the Hong Kong festival say they enjoy a great deal of creative freedom and can tackle most subjects they are interested in, in part thanks to the dissidents' sacrifices. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung)AP - News of the arrests of prominent Chinese dissidents like Ai Weiwei and Liu Xiaobo has dominated headlines and painted a picture of harsh oppression and censorship. But two independent Chinese documentary makers attending a Hong Kong festival say they enjoy a great deal of creative freedom.


Ali Larter Alice Dodd Alicia Keys

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